These are great classics of English writing about Spain, many of which are already on my bookshelf. I would be fascinated to know what’s the next level up, in David’s opinion, especially with regard to politics. I have both British and Spanish nationality but have never lived in Spain except for a few months during my undergraduate degree. There’s so much one doesn’t understand if one isn’t immersed in Spain day to day. Social media and newspapers aren’t enough.
Thanks David, that’s a new one for me. Will add it to my festive wishlist!
These are great classics of English writing about Spain, many of which are already on my bookshelf. I would be fascinated to know what’s the next level up, in David’s opinion, especially with regard to politics. I have both British and Spanish nationality but have never lived in Spain except for a few months during my undergraduate degree. There’s so much one doesn’t understand if one isn’t immersed in Spain day to day. Social media and newspapers aren’t enough.
Excellent list. I also strongly recommend The Ornament of The World by María Rosa Menocal.ía_Rosa_Menocal,J,FdEDvOs62XFw_1732318452_1:6267:12147&bq=author%3Dmaria%2520rosa%2520menocal%26title%3Dornament%2520of%2520the%2520world%2520how%2520muslims%252C%2520jews%252C%2520and%2520christians%2520created%2520a%2520culture%2520of%2520tolerance%2520in%2520medieval%2520spain